Tuesday, January 21, 2020

How To Add Multi Stylish Social Sharing Buttons On Blogger/Website

Every blogger and website owner know the importance of social networks in this time. People use sharing buttons; follow us widgets, and recommended buttons for popularity of their online content. Whether they run a simple blog or high online business website? Every one want more social and familiar around their fellow sphere and globally. Do you think what the logic behind this sociality is? Why many pro bloggers and professional users of Internet are more hunger for these social widgets. Answer is simple more social means more money. Also they know the worth of socialism.

Add social buttons:

There are many ways of adding buttons. First way is customizing manually these buttons. This process is time taking and complicated for those who have little knowledge about HTML,CSS & JAVA SCRIPT. So keeping in mind these complications I would make easy this tutorial for all of you guys. One more thing stay tuned after this series we disclose for manually social sharing buttons for blogger/website & posts, sidebars, footer etc.  I hope after reading this post you will be able to easily add sharing, recommended, follower buttons where you want. Now take the start and follow the instructions attentively.

1. Add sharing buttons for Blogger:

Just go to Addthis if you wish then sign up. There are Facebook, Twitter, and Google plus sign up options. Select any one or with Email and password. After setting up an account now install blogger widget in three steps.

Get help from screenshot and do as directed.

a. Select Get the Code tab first.
b. As indicated in option 2 choose blogger from platform options.
c. Choose sharing option as in 3rd option.


Sharing buttons propertiesAt 3rd option which is Share. Here are some customization steps that you can.

1. Select the position left or right.
2. Choose quantity of buttons from 1 to 6.

Scrolling down and choose theme from four categories. Select wisely and according to template style because it selection of carefully picked colors and themes is a sign of professional developer.
 Now you have half done

Install blogger widget:

Finally hit the big blue button. A new window will open authorize your blog address to proceed for next step. Now select blog and title. Then hit blue add widget button. Blogger dashboard and Layout option will open you see your added gadget here. Also see make your blog beautiful with gadgets
Congratulations…!!! You are done.
Now refresh the page and feel the difference. After installing it will looks like as in the figure below preview.

2. Add follow me buttons on blogger:

After completion 1st step I have something amazing for you now. There is another follow us plug in. For the sake of installing this plug in just repeat the 1st process. Select Blogger platform then choose Follow me drop down menu. Click On button. A drop down list with more then ten plus social platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Linked In. Fill the empty boxes provided with your suitable social address or user name. Select theme and finally hit the big blue install blogger widget button. It repeats same process for next step like we perform above when installing Sharing social buttons.

3. For websites, Joomla Wordpress Platform users:

At the platform menu there are other these three options including Blogger. So for the users of websites they will add these sharing buttons as we indicated above i.e. for blog. This system does not support for Wordpress at this time. Joomla users download Joomla module and then install them manually. Similar is process for adding follow me buttons. Excepting wordpress. 

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