This (Network marketing) is the business of duplication. If you successfully duplicate each and every thing with team mates then success is yours. When a newly member sign up it trained by professional net workers. Dairy and pen are must because “written is better then memorize”. So take these two things always with you whether you are in an event, business meeting. Note down any new idea, advice and plain it will boost up your network marketing business & give it new edge. So now we move on our today’s topic.
Why to make Contact List:
In training first step or lesson is contact list. As we know that in every industry for example a leather factory it needs leather for making jackets or any thing so leather is raw material here. Same like this in network marketing business contact list is our Raw Material. With the passage of time if contact list of newly joined person increases then it’s the sign he is going towards his destiny. As a result if raw material in abundant then automatically factory manufacturing (Business Partners) production increases fast. For better and life time results professional network marketing business achievers recommend participate in making Contact list of your new member.
Genuine Benefits:
In start I mention duplication. Because when we personally help with him in making contact list he takes this impression from here. After a time when his teem grows up he will follow us. Boost up their motivational level by sharing golden stories regarding network marketing business. Besides raw material when new member duplicate his contact list on dairy it also help in case of mobile stolen or lose. In short his mobile number directory will be safe.
How to use contact list in network marketing:
Categorize whole list into these columns.
Name - Cell No – Place – category (job, jobless, student) – Relation – Status - Presentation date – Follow up – Re follow up – Remarks.
After first two columns third is place. The purpose of place section this time is working only in near or surrounding areas. When a trainer watch on category column then he easily judge which person will be best for your first Presentation. Same like in relation series.
In network marketing business we divide the whole contact list into three sub categories
Hot list:
Those persons which are under your influence or interaction between there & you at daily basis are fall in this category. When they do anything take suggestion from you.
Warm list:
Some difference those friends or relatives are including in this list the interaction b/w you & there is comparatively small as hot list.
Cold list:
Not meet them or interaction between them & you from six months to one year.
Useful information for Presenter:
A network marketing business trainer when see at contact list he absolutely monitor all things Such as your total presentations, dates. Complete, successive or pending follow ups. Finally he checks remarks (joined or pending entries).
Keep in mind if first step will be strong team shall be healthy. Keep focusing on all these steps regarding contact list also try to implement them. To productivity, reliability, and positive results in Network marketing business.
Why to make Contact List:
In training first step or lesson is contact list. As we know that in every industry for example a leather factory it needs leather for making jackets or any thing so leather is raw material here. Same like this in network marketing business contact list is our Raw Material. With the passage of time if contact list of newly joined person increases then it’s the sign he is going towards his destiny. As a result if raw material in abundant then automatically factory manufacturing (Business Partners) production increases fast. For better and life time results professional network marketing business achievers recommend participate in making Contact list of your new member.
Genuine Benefits:
In start I mention duplication. Because when we personally help with him in making contact list he takes this impression from here. After a time when his teem grows up he will follow us. Boost up their motivational level by sharing golden stories regarding network marketing business. Besides raw material when new member duplicate his contact list on dairy it also help in case of mobile stolen or lose. In short his mobile number directory will be safe.
How to use contact list in network marketing:
Categorize whole list into these columns.
Name - Cell No – Place – category (job, jobless, student) – Relation – Status - Presentation date – Follow up – Re follow up – Remarks.
After first two columns third is place. The purpose of place section this time is working only in near or surrounding areas. When a trainer watch on category column then he easily judge which person will be best for your first Presentation. Same like in relation series.
In network marketing business we divide the whole contact list into three sub categories
Hot list:
Those persons which are under your influence or interaction between there & you at daily basis are fall in this category. When they do anything take suggestion from you.
Warm list:
Some difference those friends or relatives are including in this list the interaction b/w you & there is comparatively small as hot list.
Cold list:
Not meet them or interaction between them & you from six months to one year.
Useful information for Presenter:
A network marketing business trainer when see at contact list he absolutely monitor all things Such as your total presentations, dates. Complete, successive or pending follow ups. Finally he checks remarks (joined or pending entries).
Keep in mind if first step will be strong team shall be healthy. Keep focusing on all these steps regarding contact list also try to implement them. To productivity, reliability, and positive results in Network marketing business.
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